Thursday 16 October 2014

How to shoot a knuckle ball

   Shooting the ball with accuracy and power is one of the most important and vital skills needed in football. Have you ever wanted to bend the ball like Beckham or swing the ball left or right? Or maybe dip a little like Cristiano Ronaldo. Here are a few tips to master the knuckle ball….

1.    Stand in line with the ball, preferably with the position of the air filling valve facing you. When CR7 is taking a free kick, he makes contact on the valve if you observe carefully.
2.      2.  Retreat back 3 to 5 steps and a little to right or left depending on your shooting leg. Maybe even try the trademark CR7 posture by standing with your arms straight down and legs apart. Take a few stutter step and run towards the ball.

3.    Position your weaker foot as close to the ball as practicably possible. 
     Lean backwards a little,to  send the ball exploding up in the air.
4.   Hit the ball in the center with your laces, all the while keeping your ankle locked. Contact should be made between the nozzle and top of your foot. This way you can achieve dip and swing while avoiding the spin.
5.     Follow through by moving your leg in the direction where you want the ball to go. Swing your leg and knee straight up with all the power you can and see the net bulge.

  Now, go on and learn some CR7 celebration, because you will need it every time you score with a knuckle ball.

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