Thursday 30 October 2014

Top 10 Malaysian Kids Games in 90's

These 10 games are what 90's Malaysian kids used to play. We found that kids nowadays rarely play these games and even worse, some of them never heard of the names of these games before. They prefer to play video games, iPad, PlayStation, and all sorts of games which don't require them to move around and make them sweat. We should start playing these games again so that our culture is not forgotten.

1. Permainan Bola Tepuk

2. Jengket-jengket

3.Galah Panjang

4. Lawan getah pemadam

5. Tuju Tin

6. Batu Seremban

7. Polis Sentri

8. Jentik Tudung Oren/Tudung Menet

9. Lompat Getah / Zeropoint

and last but not least....

10. Tuju kasut

The last one is my favourite, I really miss playing this with my friends :)

by: Nabila, Akmar & Faraain

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