Thursday 30 October 2014

Things to do when you're bored onboard

Being onboard for such a long time will surely make us feel bored. Our routine is pretty much the same everyday; wake up in the morning, go for duty, works, eat and sleep. Surely we don't have much time to spend for our hobbies because of the limited rest time, but at least we can make some time to do something to release stress from all the workloads we have to do everyday. 
These are the things I used to do whenever I feel bored while onboard :-

Watch sunset/sunrise

Every evening when I'm not on duty, I'll watch the sunrise/sunset from the porthole (window) of my cabin. Sometimes I go on bridge wing just to watch sunset and enjoy the sea breeze and the scenery. 

Taking photos

This photo was taken when my ship was anchoring in East Off Port Limit, Johor, Malaysia. 

Play games

During tea break or off duty time, play games such as board games, cards or others with shipmates in the mess room.

Watch Movies

Every ship has their own TV room, so we can watch movies there or if we're lucky enough, on some ships, they even have Astro. So we have variety of channels we may want to watch.

Bake cookies / cakes or pastries

This one is my 3rd mate's Famous Amos cookies. Delicious! :)

or if you really have nothing to do, you can...

Make yourself a SMILING breakfast :D

That's it for this entry, of course there are a lot more activities you can do to spend your leisure time while onboard. These are just what I did during my cadetship training. 

Have a nice day! 

by: Akmar, Faraain, Nabila

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