Thursday 30 October 2014

Top Five World Conspiracies

Top Five World Conspiracies
1.       9/11

On Tuesday September 11 2001, 2 passenger airliners were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Centre (WTC) and killed 2996 people including civilians and hijackers. This incident was recorded live and witnessed by people all around the world thanks to the power of internet and television, enable it to top the list of the top five world conspiracies. At first, Al-Qaeda already claimed that they take full responsibility for the attack but many investigations, whether official or unofficial and thanks again for the footage of the incident had risen few eyebrows and eventually lead to this conspiracy theories. The theories has many versions such as for those who believe that the US Government had already received warning of the attacks but did not respond to it, some says the US Government at that time deliberately turned a blind eye in order to gain reasons to launch wars in the Middle East. A group of people called 9/11 Truth Movement proved that the skyscraper could not collapses by impacts of the airliner and burning aviation fuel alone. A lot of witness also claimed that they heard explosions before the impact and further evidence shows that it was an “inside job”. Nevertheless, even if this theories proven to be true, it is too late because US already invaded Middle East and gain huge profit from the abundance source of oil.

2.       The Assassination of John F Kennedy

JFK was killed on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas at 12.30 pm by gunshot while on a motorcycle. A ten month investigation concluded that JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Footage of the events suggested that at least 4 shots had been fired instead of 3 shots and at least one of the shot came from different direction of the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The incidents witnessed by several people claimed that the shots were fired by gunmen hiding somewhere near the scene of the incident. Because of this, probably a conspiracy existed as stated by House Select Committee on Assassination which they found the original FBI investigation was not correct but National Academy of Science later found that the accuracy of the evidence used in this conspiracy theories to be questioned.

3.       Roswell

When something crashed at Roswell, New Mexico sometime in July, 1947 , that “something” is said to be an unidentified  flying object (UFO) and then established the conspiracy on UFO and aliens. Several eye reported that they saw metallic debris scattered over the landing area. Over the years, many other witness claimed the US Government dedicated a large military operation on the area to recover UFO and aliens at reported 11 crash site. Besides, this story has been enhanced by the US Government keep changing their stories repeatedly and even photos had been mysteriously too easy to be leaked. Meanwhile, the US Government keep suggesting that the UFO is weather balloon and at some point told the media that the photo of alien bodies is a combination of injured or killed personnel.

4.       NASA faked the moon landing

This theories suggested that Apollo astronaut did not land on the Moon, and the NASA itself involving to deceive public by altering or destroying photos, rock samples, telemetry tapes etc. People who believe that this is all conspiracy are based on photograph on the Moon which they claimed that there were camera crosshair partially behind rocks, flag planted by the astronauts waving in strange way, the lack of stars at the space and shadows falling in different order. For doing all this things, they claimed that the main reason behind this conspiracy is US tried to win the space race against Russia. However, US had published their rebuttals and this theories have been generally discounted.

5.       The Illuminati and New World Order

A famous conspiracy which powerful group of people called the Illuminati are plotting to rule mankind with single world government-the New World Order (NWO) by using political finances, social engineering, mind control, fear-based propaganda. Big organizations such as the World Bank, European Union, the United Nation and NATO are listed as the founding organisations of the NWO. 

By : Zainol, Yousuf, Rial, Muntasir

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