Thursday 30 October 2014


Tips to improve your skill in counter strike
    Counter strike is a first person shooter game, which can be played in LAN and online. It requires immense practice and strategy to win each round but you can also dominate the the game  by mastering few techniques. Moving is an important part of the game as shooting itself, because with sudden movements you can dodge your enemy's bullet and also take them by surprise.

1. Be in motion all times, keep your movements short and swift, you can always jump and crouch when taking out an enemy in open space or facing multiple enemies.

2. Press control to crawl before taking out an opponent in stealth mode, especially when using snipers as it will help increase your accuracy.If your sniping stay still, its almost impossible to hit a target while moving.

3. Know you weapons. What weapons to use in different environment? Do not use a sniper in a closed map, choose assault rifles, shotguns which will enable you to move faster.In open maps use snipers or assault rifles

4. Use your flash bang and HE grenade efficiently to take out an opponent. Always throw a flash bang on corners or bounce it off the wall while you stand behind an obstacle, so that flash bang doesn't blind you.

5. Most important of all is to know your map and read your opponents game play as it will help you gain the upper hand. When you can predict where your enemy is and where he will plant the bomb or which way he will rescue the hostages, you simply can rule the game leaving your opponent clueless. In case they change their game play be quick to read it and counter act it, so that they wont even know what hit them.

    Follow these tips to become the smartest, toughest, and most ruthless killer out there. After all only killing matters, KILL OR BE KILLED.

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