Thursday 11 September 2014

Young women navigator

'I find the great thing,in this world is not so much where we stand , as in what direction we are moving. To reach the port of heaven , we must sail some times with the wind and sometimes against it . but we must sail and not drift , nor lie at anchor' - Oliver Wendell Holmes 

For the 2nd year of our course we need to complete the total of 12 months of sea time . We gained a lot of experiences during our shipboard training. I know you wonder what we faced during our shipboard training right?? you got my point right?? we got a lot of knowledge from the officers such as passage planning, cargo handling, manoeuvring the ship, chart corrections  and etc. 

from this phrase we can expect what cadets do on board . Of  course we did not get enough rest . Working for 12 hours and rest for 12 hours . But by having the chance to watch dolphins passes by, watch the sunrise and sunset,glimmering star at night,seeing seas like a piece of glass let the tiredness overcome . Some more we had to face the rough seas which we never experienced on land, especially at the end of the year. 
However we are grateful that we had the chance to experience those good and bad days onboard. We feel lucky to be among the minority of the lady seafarers, and actually survived the life onboard for 12 months!

fara manouvering
nabila on the bridge

kema assists the SWL test of the ship's crane

nice view of the sun set

Posted by : Akmar, Faraain and Nabila

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