Thursday 11 September 2014



1. A seafarer is very responsible
 A seafarer is trained to take care of cargo and ships which cost millions of dollars. Most importantly, they have to take care of the lives of people onboard. They will always keep safety in mind. So, going out with them is definitely safe.

2. A seafarer is romantic
A seafarer mostly is away from home up to 8 months so they don't get to show their love often so the desire to see and meet you keeps on getting accumulated with time. This will make them shower you with love and be romantic when they finally get to be with you.

3. A seafarer is fun to be with
You will never get bored with a seafarer as they have so many interesting things to tell based on their experience onboard and countries that they visit. Besides that, they are adventurous, funny and sometimes naughty. They are always looking out for something new cause its in their nature.

4. A seafarer has good knowledge
Only the best man and women can go to sea and to be the best you need good knowledge. So, you can be proud to have a smart partner.

5. A seafarer is strong
Working onboard is not a piece of cake. It requires lots of physical work and this make them strong. So, your seafarer can handle all the heavy duties in your house. Best of all, a seafarer always have good body due to their demanding physical work.

6. A seafarer can handle anything
A seafarer often have to work at odd times with less sleep or during bad weather and this require strong mentally to handle all the stress. They also are trained to handle any emergencies at any time or anywhere. So, you can always count on your seafarer to handle anything you want them too.

7. A seafarer is rich
A seafarer are paid high salary for the their hard work and sacrifices so he can buy you all those expensive vacations and gifts. A seafarer partner can definitely support you financially.

8. A seafarer have long holidays
Most people have less holidays but a seafarer can have up to 4 months of holiday straight and you can have them all to yourself for that period of time.

9. You get to visit the world as well!
Seafarers are allowed to bring their spouses onboard so you can see your man working as well as visit other countries for free.

10. The love will always be there between you and your seafarer.
It is not easy to be the partner of a seafarer and all seafarer knows that. However, if you can handle it then your man will definitely appreciate you. They say the more we miss the more we love. Those long distance relationship is going to boost up the love for both of you.

Shannon John Lojingon
Kavin Busan Dev
Geneva Morga Hufancia

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