Wednesday 3 December 2014

Best ways to reduce stress

Exercise Regularly
Spend time during your busy day to exercise to keep your body healthy and as a natural outlet for your stress. You should try to increase your heart beat rate to 120-180  for about 30 minutes per day. Walking for atleast 30 minutes will nt only reduce stress, it increases life expectancy. In addition, other exercise also reduces stress, such as hiking, swimming and jogging.

Get enough sleep
Sleep is  a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night and also  a mechanism by which your body recuperates and restores its energy reserves. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body will use stress to keep you active and alert in the absence of stored energy. Commonly most adults needs 7-8 hours sleep while the older and children needs 9-10 hours sleep per night. Routinizing your sleep cycle will teach your body when it's supposed to go to be tired, aiding in better sleep and less sleep deprivation.

Eat properly
To tackle stress, your body needs to be healthy, strong and properly fuelded. Sufficient water should drink. because a dehydrated body creates cortisol, a stress hormone. Eat a healthy breakfast and healthy snacks during the day. It is better to eat several smaller meals throughout the day than to consume three large meals

Practice yoga and meditation
Practicing the deep stretches and slow body movements will help you to clear your mind. Meditation clears  your mind, while practicing gentle yoga will give double the relaxation effect to ease your stress. Not only that, you can imagine somewhere that you feel happy; focus on the details to fully remove your mind from the present  Do yoga alone or in a group setting to help you learn new poses.


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