Thursday 13 November 2014

The Future Fore seer.

Nostradamus is the latinised name of a great french physician in the 1500s. He worked for King Charles the Nine in his years. Apparently he has been of great importance even in today's times as he had a great mind with which he could foresee future and his first book of prophecies namely Les Propheties  was published in 1555 AD.His books contain all his prediction in the form of QUATRAINS .He had to resort to writing the books in a mixture of other languages like mostly in Latin, Greek and Italian and also by using code words because what he was doing was considered to be against the then religious norms.Since the publication of this book it has been republished so many times by many of his interpreters.

Above is an example of one of his quatrains.

Nostradamus prophecies' were proven to be credible when his quatrains revealed his predictions about numerous world events that has happened and yet to come like Great fire of London,Rise of leaders like Napoleon,Adolf Hitler etc.The September11 attacks on World Trade Center and events like attack on the pentagon, A World War 3 etc. None will be able to exactly interpret what he meant but as far as they have deciphered from his original works his prophecies extend from 1555 AD-3797AD which is a remarkable work because the credibility of his prophecies. The below mentioned quatrain is the most famous and controversial quatrains that hints at dooms day-which is interpretation of his followers and they though he said in these lines:

"In the year the sun shows his phases
And the second planet eclipses the brightest star,
The grand empire’s calendar foretells

The secret death of the world."- translated from Latin.

Many of his followers predicted 2012 as the year of doom because all the conditions in his quatrain are satisfied in the year but what people did not look into was the credibility of interpretation of this particular quatrain might be incorrect and he meant something different because none of his books suggest anything at all about "WORLD'S END" in fact his prophecies go until the   year  3797AD, and given his credibility its hard to deny his works aren't true. I would leave this blog open ended as to how far his work can be true.Honestly i am a fan of his works. 

We'll have to wait to surge into future to test the truth his predictions about world's end.

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