Thursday 13 November 2014

Selfies to Death

What is selfie? It is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media. However, the definition of selfie should be extended to a level of which cause a person to lack or lose their situational awareness which could lead to serious injury or even death.This are among the accident related to selfies.

1. This 17 year old Russian girl, Xenia Ignatyeva, took a selfie from a bridge 28 feet off the ground, to impress her friends. She lost her balance and fell on a cable,that tragically electrocuted her to death.

2. On April 26, 2014,Courtney Sanford (32) crashed her car and died just seconds after posting her selfie on Facebook, while listening to Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’. The crash into a truck proved to be fatal.

3. This is a selfie taken by the famous Puerto Rica musician Jadiel and uploaded it to Instagram moments before he had a  motorcycle crash which result him to death in New York in May, 2014.

4. Collette M. Moreno died at University Hospital in Columbia  after a car crash 8 minutes after she took a selfie with her friend.

4. 21- year old Oscar Otero Aguilar lost his life when he tried to take selfie with a gun for his Facebook page in July of 2014. He accidentally shot himself in the head and didn't survive. 

Though selfies has its disadvantages, but we couldn't forget its advantages. Selfies could be the last memory of someone we love before they depart and leave this world. For example,

1. This two person took this photo right before they takeoff of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17. which was tragically shot down over Ukraine.

2. Mexican pop star Jenni Rivera took this picture with her crew before takeoff. Their private jet crashed and left no survivors.

 We will never know when or how we will leave this world. However, we should always put safety first in whatever we do. Even while taking selfies, we should think hard and long before attempting to do any extreme selfies. Remember your loved ones and don't get carried away with selfie's dangerous attempts.

Geneva Morga Hufancia
Kavin Bhusan Dev
Shannon John Lojingon

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog and like it. It's simple and has good quality post. Great capture, love the pictures. You did a great job!

    Dislike selfies? Why? We don't need more negativity in the world, just respect for one another. Share yourself with your friends and family! This is nothing to be ashamed of.

    We would love to see your beautiful face shared on our infinite instastream using our #respecttheselfie hashtag. Visit our awesome website at and express positivity even through the web!
