Sunday 30 November 2014

Top Malay Food In Malaysia

If Malay food is to be described in just a few words, the most appropriate may be – “A festival of flavours”. Having absorbed various cultural influences through the centuries, particularly Chinese,Indian, Arab, Thai and Indonesian, Malay cuisine has evolved into its very own. What gives Malay food its main and unmistakable characteristic is the expert use of rempah, which is a mixture of wet and dry herbs and spices. Indeed, many popular Malay dishes begin with a ground paste consisting of red onion or shallots, garlic, ginger, galangal, fresh turmeric and lemongrass. In addition to this, is the famed dry spice combo of star anise, cinnamon sticks, cardamom and cloves.

Often mixed with chilli paste, these herbs and spices are sautéed in oil to bring out rich flavours and aroma. Other crucial flavour enhancers that are must-haves in the Malay kitchen are tamarind paste, belacan (dry shrimp paste) and coconut milk. A typical Malay meal comprises of white rice, eaten with an assortment of lauk or dishes. Chicken, beef or fish, is often cooked as asam pedas (spicy, tangy gravy); curry; sambal (fried chilli paste); or lemak (coconut milk gravy). The vegetables, on the other hand, are usually flavoured with belacan or dry shrimp; cooked with coconut milk; or eaten raw or blanched as ulam, which is typically dipped into the ubiquitous sambal belacan.
Made of finely-ground fresh chillies, belacan and other ingredients, sambal belacan is a hot and pungent paste that is well-loved by Malays. It is such an integral part of Malay cuisine that recipes vary from state to state, village to village, and family to family, with each one having its own special blend. Not quite content with all the flavours mentioned above, Malays often enhance their meals further with the use of strong-tasting condiments, such as budu (fermented fish sauce), pekasam (salted and fermented fish), cencaluk (salted krill) and tempoyak (fermented durian).
While white rice is a daily staple, it is not uncommon for Malays to add flavour to the rice itself. Take nasi lemak, for example, which is particularly popular at breakfast. It consists of rice cooked in coconut milk, and served with sambal, fried anchovies, toasted peanuts, a fried or boiled egg and a few slices of cucumber. Then, there is nasi kerabu from Kelantan and Terengganu, which is served with toasted grated coconut, thinly-chopped raw vegetables, a paste made of fresh chillies, budu and a salted duck egg. Another favourite from the East Coast, is nasi dagang, which is rice cooked with coconut milk and fenugreek, served with tuna curry and acar jelatah (pickled cucumber, carrots and pineapple).
As Malays are Muslim, they eat only halal foods, which are foods deemed permissible under Islamic law. For example, Malays cannot consume pork and alcohol, and the meat and poultry used in Malay cooking must be slaughtered and prepared by a Muslim butcher in the Islamic way During important Islamic festivals, such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Aidiladha, the Malays prepare a range of special dishes, such as rendang (spicy meat stew), ketupat (rice cake cooked in coconut leaves), lemang (glutinous rice cake cooked in bamboo), satay (marinated meat on skewers, grilled over charcoal), kuah kacang (peanut sauce), sayur lodeh (vegetable stew in coconut milk) and serunding (dry meat floss), among other festive delicacies.. At Malay weddings, the main feature is nasi minyak, which is long-grained rice cooked with ghee and spices. It is usually served with ayam masak merah (chicken in spicy tomato sauce), daging masak hitam (beef in dark gravy), dalca sayur (mild vegetable curry) and acar jelatah.

While rice takes centre stage, there are also a number of Malay noodle dishes. Consisting mainly of wheat of rice noodles, served in different types of gravy or broth, such as mee soto, mee Bandung, mee rebus (thick, sweet gravy) and mee goreng (fried noodles). Other popular Malay one-dish meals are lontong and soto, which are rice cakes served in coconut milk and broth, respectively. Be it a humble meal cooked at home, or a lavish feast presented at a fancy restaurant, all forms of Malay food are united by the same elements – rich flavours, delightful tastes and striking aromas!

Example :
1.Nasi Lemak
2.Mee Rebus
3.Asam Laksa

4. Beef Rendang
5. Roti Jala

Syahrul,Izir and Amir


10 Beautiful Island In Malaysia

Located in Southeast Asia, the country of Malaysia is known for its many exotic islands that feature stunning beaches, tropical rainforests and diverse cultures. A great number of these islands present popular diving and snorkeling destinations because of their crystal clear waters and colorful coral reefs. However, the islands of Malaysia are not just about beaches and diving. There is much more to experience here such as colonial villages, beautiful temples, vibrant resorts and adventurous activities. Find out more about the best Malaysian islands.

1.Pulau Langkawi

2. Perhentian Island

3. Tioman Island

4. Redand Island

5. Mabul Island

6. Sipadan Island

7. Tenggol Island


9.Kapas Island

10.Pangkor Island

Syahrul,Izir and Amir

Saturday 22 November 2014

Different ways of dismissal of batsman in cricket

Different ways of dismissal in cricket

Cricket is a bat and ball game played between two teams of 11 players each on a field at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. Each team takes its turn to bat, attempting to score runs, while the other team fields and bowls the ball. Each turn is known as an innings.

According to law in cricket, there are 10 ways by which batsman can get out (Dismissal) in cricket.

1)Caught out:  Caught out is the most common way of batsman dismissal. While a batsman is batting when ball is in contact with bat or gloves and is caught by fielder or wicketkeeper before it touches the ground, then batsman is out in cricket and such type of batsman dismissal is caught out.

2)Bowled out:  If the balls hit the stump while batsman is batting, then the batsman is said to be out by bowled out. But, if the ball be in the contact of wicket and the bail is not completely removed from the stump, then the batsman is not considered out.Bowled out is considered as the impressive way to get a wicket of batsman. So, no batsman wants getting out by bowled out.

3)L.B.W Out:  L.B.W refers to the leg before wicket. If the ball hits batsman body (especially leg) without touching bat or glove, then the batsman is said to be out by L.B.W out if and only if ball is going to hit wicket after hitting batsman body. The law of leg before wicket (LBW) is very complicated. There are many controversial cases of batsman dismissal by lbw out.

4)Run out: Run out is another common way of getting out of cricket. If ball hits stump while batsman is taking run before batsman reahes crease, then the batsman is considered out. And such type of dismissal in cricket is called run out.

5)Stumped out: If the batsman steps out side the crease to play the ball, leaving no part of bat or leg inside the crease, and wicket keeper is able to remove bail with a ball in his glove, then the batsman is out. And such type of batsman dismissal in cricket is known as stumped out. Generally, batsman are stumped out in spin ball and sometimes in the medium pace ball.

6)Hit Wicket Out: The batsman is out Hit wicket if, while the ball is in play, his wicket is put down either by the striker’s bat or cricketer himself. This law is not applied if batsman hits wicket while trying to take run. Kevin Pietersen hit wicket dismissal against West Indies in the very uncommon and interesting way of getting out (batsman dismissal) by hit wicket.

7)Time out: The incoming batsman mut be in position to take guard for his partner to be ready to receive the next ball within 3 minutes (1 minute in T20 game). If batsman fails to reach crease in 3 minute and the opposing team appeal for the out, then the batsman is given out and such type of dismissal in cricket is called time out. No one has been out by time out in international cricket as marked by ICC (International Cricket Council) but, in first class 4 batsmen: A. Jordan, H. Yadhav, V.C Drakes and A.J. Harris has been out by time out.

8)Handed the ball out:  If the batsman touches the ball with his hand for any purpose other than, with the approval of the fielders, to return the ball to the bowler, batsman is out on appeal. It is considered etiquette for the fielding team not to appeal if the handling of the ball does not affect the play of the game, although there are occasions when this etiquette has been ignored. Only 7 batsmen (Russell Endean, Andrew Hilditch, Moshin Khan, Desmond Haynes, Graham Gooch, Steve Waugh & Micheal Vaughan) has been out handed the ball out.

9)Hit the ball twice out: The batsman is out hit the ball twice if, while the ball is in play, it strikes any part of batsman or is struck by his bat and before the ball has been touched by a fielder, he willfully strikes it again with his bat or batsman himself, other than a hand not holding the bat, except for the sole purpose of guarding his wicket. Getting out by hit the ball twice is very unusual. Among 10 ways of getting out(batsman dismissal) in cricket, it is most rare.And, no batsman has been out in test cricket hitting the ball twice.

10)Obstructing the field out: If a batsman by action or by words obstructs fielder, then he is given out obstructing the field. However, batsman  is allowed to obstruct fielder by standing in front of him. There are only four occasion batsman getting out by obstructing the filed, 1 time in test match cricket and three time in ODI cricket.
1) Ramiz Raja - for Pakistan Vs Australia in 1987 ( In ODI )
2) Mohinder Amarnath - for India Vs Srilanka in 1989 ( In ODI )
3) Inzaman ul Haq - for Pakistan Vs India in February 2006 ( In ODI )
4) Len Hettun - for England Vs South Africa in 1951 ( In Test)
"How many ways batsman can get out?" Many would answer 10 to this question but, how about 11th way a batsman can get out in cricket. Yes, though 11th way of getting out is not explained by cricket law but, it is considered to be one of the way to get out in cricket.

11th way of getting out ( Retired hurt out) :
Though it have been said that, there are 10 ways of batsman dismissal in cricket but, a batsman can get out by retired hurt out aswell. Retired hurt out is not kept in the cricket law of getting out in cricket but, it is considered as 11th way of batsman dismissal.If the batsman is retired hurt and cannot continue his batting, then he is considered out and such type of dismissal is called retired hurt out.

Friday 21 November 2014

How To Get A Tatoo and How to take care of it

                                 Tatoo is something that should depict your life in it , but nowadays it beacame merely an icon of fashion and bodyart. Human being strated making tatoos that dates back to centuries old tradition. its an ancient art which is modified today in a lot of ways.
                If u plan to get a tatoo make sure u want it and if u want it select which type you want permanant or temporary. Permenant is the one which will stay with you for your entire life whereas temporary will have a life span of about 6 months.
If you decide to get an ink make sure you decide the design you want to ink . Ink is a term used for gettign a tatoo.You should also make sure on which part of body you want to get inked.

Next step is to find a good artist.A good artist in the sense we should make sure also the tatoo shop is in a hygenic condition for getting a tatoo. Careful getting a tatoo is painful and also can cause serious problems if you  dont get it from a good hygenic shop.
Beware:getting a tattoo is painful if you are so passionate about getting it. You have to take the pain..
After getting a tatoo is the caring for it.
Listed below are a few steps to take care of your tatoo.
1. Do not male ur tatoo wet once it is done. not expose it to direct sunlight.
3. Cover your tatoo when going a outside. For the first few months its very crucial for the care of tatoo.
4. Once u finish your tatoo or before it. You have to clean that area with antiseptic soap.
5. Use moisturizing cream on tatooed area or oil.
6. Should avoid going to gym.
7. Do not scratch on the tattooed area.
8. Avoiding all these steps may cause tour tatoo to fade its color off or to become  smudge.
By following all these steps you can maintain a good looking and stylish tatoo forever in your life. Remember one thing its not about the design but its about the meaning that your tatoo carry.....

Wednesday 19 November 2014


1.  DHOOM 3

                   (Year 2013, YASHRAJ FILMS)
                    Worldwide Gross US$ 88 millions
2.  Chennai Express.

                 ( Year 2013 , Red chilies Entertainment)
                       Worldwide gross US$ 68 millions
3.  3 IDIOTS

                (Year 2009, Vinod chopra productions)
                        Worldwide gross US 64 millions

4.  Happy New Year

               ( year 2014, Red chilies Entertainment)
                        Worldwide Gross US$ 62 million.

5.   Kick

               (Year 2014, Nadiawala Grandson Entertainment)
                         Worldwide Gross US$ 61 millions
6.  Krish3

               (Year 2013, Film Kraft Entertainment)
                          Worldwide gross US$ 61 millions


                       (Year 2014, Fox star studios)
                           Worldwide gross US$ 55 millions

8.  Ek Tha Tiger

                         (Year 2012, Yashraj films)
                         Worldwide gross US$ 52 millions

9.  Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

                          (Year 2013, Dharma Productions)
                           Worldwide Gross US$ 50 millions
10.      Dabangg 2

                     (Year 2012, Arbaaz khan productions)
                       Worldwide gross US$ 43 millions

  Bridge navigation watch one of the most significant ship board operation for deck officers. When the ship is at sea , the bridge or the wheelhouse is the only workplace which is manned at all times. As the navigating officers have to keep bridge watches round the clock, the practice of taking over of the watch by a relieving officer of watch (OWW) from the present officer-of-watch is followed everyday. this short span of time , of taking over the watch is indeed a critical period, as the new OWW has to be aware of a lot of momentous information.

Here are the eight most important factor which need to be checked and reassured along with some good practice to be followed while taking over a bridge watch.

1. Ship's Position - Speed - Course

The most important factor or the thing to be checked after coming upon the bridge is the position and speed of the ship. Once you are satisfied with the position of the ship on the chart, it is a good practice to browse through the chart and the course to be followed till the end of your watch. Check for way points of course alternate, any reporting point, traffic separation schemes, shallow patches, or any danger to navigation along the intended track marked on the chart.
Compare the course on the chart with the course in the passage plan.
Make yourself aware of the Engine RPM, speed, log speed, course made good, course steered. Any doubt or uncertainties are to checked with the OOW.

2.Traffic Density  

Now that you are satisfied with the position and course of ship, without wasting time look outside the bridge to get a clear view of horizon and check the number of vessels around. It is advised to take a walk all the way to both the bridge wings to get a view of the stern of the ship, as it is likely to be omitted. Once you have visually ascertained the situation outside, glance at the radar screen for the targets around and for more information provided by the Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA). It is recommended to switch to higher range scales for early detection of the aspect of vessels coming down (if nay).

If your ship is already in situation such as overtaking, close-quarter, or a crossing situation, Do Not take over the watch until the situation is over and the vessel is past and quite clear.

3. Weather Condition and Night Vision

The next important factor to check is weather condition. Make sure you are aware of
A) wind speed and direction
B) set and the drift of the current, as these play an important role in the charting a good course. with the available information , try to foresee if restricted visibility or precipitation is expected during your watch.
during hours of darkness/ restricted visibility, it is of utmost important to be fully adjusted to the low lights, as it helps in the purpose of an effective lookout. keep in mind that, it takes around 15 mints for the eyes of an average person to get adjusted to low lights from the artificial lights.Also ensure that complete darkness is maintained on the bridge during night watches.

4. Bridge Equipment and dimmers.

Make sure all bridge equipment are ready and intact. Any trouble shooting or exception is to be clarified with the OOW to be relieved.
If needed adjust and configure the required bridge equipment to your settings. It is found that different officers like to use the radar with different orientation, CPA limits, Alram settings, and displays which they are comfortable with.
Chek the degree of rate of turn, set on the auto pilot and adjustment if necessary. During hours of darkness , all bridge equipment and other displays should be dimmed absolute minimum. Switch the display of the equipment to night mode. This will help in effective look out and prevent back scatter of lights.

5. Log Books, checklists and daily orders.

Make it a habit to chek the latest entry of the log book while taking over the watch. All the necessary information found there should be noticed any misgiving entries should be clarify with the OOW in no time. Donot forget to note down the Gyro error as well.
It is also important to check and sign the change of watch checklist. the same should be complied as well. it is an common practice on board to issue masters daily orders in addition to the existing standing orders of the Master. Such daily orders will contain special guidelines and information about navigating the present leg of the voyage, and hence should be read with good care and the same should signed and complied. If prior to arrival or pilot boarding, confirm while taking over the watch, whether you are supposed to prepare the required checklists or pilot cards or give notices to engine room or deck crew.


Thursday 13 November 2014


  Constellations are areas of the sky, divided up for the purpose of locating and identifying stars, galaxies and other objects in the heavens, as well as the star patterns they contain. Years ago, seafarers used the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear) to help with navigation.

  It does take some practice, but identifying constellations is rewarding. In the Northern Hemisphere, some constellations, like Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Cassiopeia are circumpolar, meaning they can be viewed year round and are easier to learn. Other constellations depend on your location, latitude, and season, and because of the earth’s rotation, the constellations will change position throughout the night. Here are some constellations you can identify easily


  Since the big dipper is part of the constellation, Ursa Major (The great bear), it is technically an asterism and not a true constellation. However, it is one of the most familiar figures in the night sky and can act as a guide to other interesting sights.


  As soon as you have learned to spot The Big Dipper it opens up a whole sky full of constellations providing you can pinpoint one other star. From the right hand side of the Big Dipper, follow the two right hand stars up until you see a very bright star.
This is always visible and has guided sailors home for generations, this is Polaris – the North Star.

  Using the two stars at the top edge of the pot of the Big Dipper, draw a straight line out and you’ll find Polaris, or the North Star. The North Star is at the handle of the little dipper. The Little Dipper is harder to make out than the Big, since it’s composed of fewer stars. But if you know that the North Star is the end of the handle, and the two stars below it make up the right side of the pot, you can find it a little more easily. The Little Dipper and Big Dipper are always facing each other, with the handles pointing in opposite directions.

  Like the Big Dipper, this constellation should be visible all the year round and it’s from Orion that you’ll find this W or M shaped (depending on the time of year) formation.
Face Orion’s Belt and look left and you should be able to see the distinctive five stars which supposedly represent a Queen sitting on her throne – this is Cassiopeia.

  Orion is the largest constellation in the sky. This giant figure dominates the sky in the early mornings in late summer and fall, and in the evenings during the first part of winter. It also has several really interesting things you can see with just a pair of binoculars

 Scorpius is one sign that summer is in full swing in the northern hemisphere. This beautiful constellation is in full view in the southern sky only during the months of July, August and September, but its beauty makes it worth the wait.

  Every hunter needs hunting dogs as companions. Canis Major and Canis Minor are the hunting dogs for Orion, the Great Hunter of the sky. In addition, Canis Major is home to Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.


  Sirius is just one star in the constellation of Canis Major – or the Big Dog, so-called because it looks, funnily enough, like a big dog. This constellation lies below Orion, low on the horizon and the best way to spot it is to look for the brightest star in the sky – that’s Sirius, the dog star, and is the neck point of the dog.


  The constellation Crux – otherwise called the Southern Cross – can be seen from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere and from tropical and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Although known as a cross, it really looks more like a kite, clearly outlined by four bright stars. Two of those four, Acrux and Gacrux, are first-magnitude stars, ranking among the 21 brightest in the sky. The 16th-century European navigators who sailed into southern seas perceived it as a symbol of their Christian faith.